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0630 PCF WOD

Back Squat

145-145-145-155-165-145-145 – I think I did a set of 155 in there but I can’t remember for sure. Brought my camera to the box today to use the video function as a feedback tool. Worked out with Bob and we both used it to see if our form was correct.

I already thought my squat form could use work, but watching myself on video, it became apparent that I have more to work on than I thought. Immediately after watching the first set, I decided I wasn’t going to try and dramatically raise the weight. And after seeing problems even after another couple sets, I decided to drop back to where I started and work on form.

Last time we did this I did a good bit more weight but I remember feeling like other than depth, my form wasn’t great. Since that time Brian’s brought to my attention that my knees tend to track in on the way up instead of over my toes. So I’m sure that was a problem last time too. I actually read the Squat section in Starting Strength before the WOD and memorized some things to focus on. Made sure my thumb was over, not around, the bar. Got my wrists straight and elbows up so the bar was jammed into position on my back. Kept my back tight all the way down and up, and thought about bouncing on tight hamstrings out of the bottom – and not relaxing them so the knees move forward. Tried really hard to keep my knees out. But the video showed my knees wobbling all over the place. It was ugly. Bob suggested that I narrow my stance. Which helped immensely, not only in my ability to steady me knees but also in how powerful I felt.

But I still need work, because my knees were creeping back in on the last rep even at low weight. It starts with the right knee and then I kind of twist. It’s probably a hip issue, too – I may not be driving them up, or I may not be doing something right with my hamstring tension at the bottom. I will say that although I memorized the point to drive with the hips, I forgot to think about that during the workout.

I realize part of it is I just need to increase my strength in order to do lifts like this with correct form. Which will enable me to increase my power over time. And avoid injury. So while it’s humbling to write such shitty, low numbers on the board, and it sucks to watch myself wobble around on video, I think the right choice was to keep the weight low and just try for perfect form.

Last time we did this was 4/20/09, my entry then was:


Did an extra set of 155 again in the middle to practice getting my butt down a little quicker and back up with some momentum, rather than spending too much energy squatting slowly. Finished with a final set at 135 again to reinforce the point. Thanks to Dan and some others for tips.


B: eggs, blueberries, guac. 5P/3C/22F

L: chicken, salsa, veggies, almonds. 4P/3C/14F

5pm: Clif Builder bar, “all natural” pepperoni, almonds. 4P/3.5C/14F

D: flatiron steak, almonds, ?. 4P/14F, I forget if I had any carbs last night. I’ll have to think about it. I didn’t eat vegetables, I know that for sure.

Back in the swing of things. 0630 PCF WOD.

“CrossFit Total”
Back squat, 1 rep – 215 lbs
Shoulder Press, 1 rep – 125 lbs
Deadlift, 1 rep – 305 lbs (pr – previous pr was 275)

Total = 645 lbs

My first CrossFit Total since starting in late January. I was very happy I PR’d on the deadlift since that exercise has been a focus lately. I felt like my form was correct. I even attempted 335# but couldn’t get that. Next time.

The Back Squat was frustrating because today I could only lift what I previously PR’d on during a 6×2 back on 3/31/09 (the day before I started blogging). My sets that day:

135, 155, 185, 205, 215, 215 (PR)

Today I just did not have any of the good stuff on squats. I attempted 225 twice, once before and once after the 215, but didn’t get close to getting all the way up. I think this could be because I’ve been doing Zone the past 2 weeks with less fat than most CrossFitters consume, in order to lean out and establish a baseline. Tying my PR from almost 2 months ago is not what I want to be doing, but I talked to Brian today and got an adjusted nutrition plan.

Shoulder press was OK, first time I’ve done this since starting CF. Felt pretty good and I’m sure this will improve. Overall I’m happy with my total and very happy to be moving the deadlift max up while feeling good about the form.


B: Melon, hamburger, guac; 5P/3C/22F

L: chicken, one Lara bar, almonds; 4P/3C/14F

D: eggs, spinach, green pepper, cucumber, guac; 4P/3C/14F

Went to the 7pm WOD for a change. It wasn’t as packed as I expected. Probably about 15 people, and there seemed to be about 20 who had been at the 6pm class.

Back Squat
5-5-5-5-5         The point of this is to be at about 85% of your 1-rep max by the third set and finish out with that weight.

My sets:


This did not go as I thought it would. A few weeks ago we did 2-2-2-2-2-2 and my sets were 135, 155, 185, 205, 215, 215. So I could not attain 85% which would’ve been consistent sets of about 185. Plus I just felt weaker on the first couple reps of each set than I did during the 6×2’s. Maybe just from coming off a no-work, bad food, lots of beer weekend.

Did get some good coaching from Dan and some other guy whom I forgot to introduce myself to. Dan pointed out a few things:

1. I was getting really low, but my stance was pretty wide so my knees wanted to track a little inward.

2. I kept forgetting to keep my thumbs over the bar. I also needed to pick a more neutral spot to stare at.

3. I was squatting very solidly. Translation: slow; so slow that I was spending too much energy at the bottom settling in and wasn’t taking advantage of the momentum to be had out of the bottom of the squat.

So, did an extra set of 155 again in the middle to practice getting my butt down a little quicker and back up with some momentum, rather than spending too much energy squatting slowly. Finished with a final set at 135 again to reinforce the point. On the 185, had to dump it on the last one when I got good and low but couldn’t get back up. Thanks to Dan and some others for tips!

Post WOD meal was 4oz chicken, 2 slices cheese, about 10tbs guacamole, couple cookies (total 30g carbs), an apple, a pepper. Random food, but I didn’t eat much today: good breakfast, but lunch was a Cliff bar and late lunch was like 2.5oz of tuna over a salad. Had about a 2 block snack pre-WOD, but still need a small snack to get to 16 protein blocks today. I have eaten a lot of fat, though. Probably need more carbs, though.

May 2024