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Immediately after FGB on Sat, I hit the road for NC for a family birthday. Did zero working out while down there, got back Monday evening, and am heading into an extreme amount of OT for a 3-day workweek to make possible a beach vacation starting Friday. Not likely I’ll make it into the gym this week, so just gonna call it now and look forward to getting back to PCF on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

FGB4FGB7FGB20930 round of PCF’s participation in FGB IV

“Fight Gone Bad”
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We’ve used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:

1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3. Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5. Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

235 as Rx’d. Splits were 102, 61, 72. Had to lay down for like 5 minutes after this. It may be time to get back to metcon. Wall ball was really the worst and it’s apparent that I need to just buy a med ball and carry it everywhere I go, occasionally bouncing it off coworkers’ heads absent-mindedly for practice.

This was a really cool event. Arrived at 0900 and watched a few PCF friends go through this – morning Bob, Kevin the Terp, and others. Abi was DJ’ng, and despite the fact that he did not have any Lil Wayne, the music was bumpin. Jared and Andrew went during the 9:30 as well, and Jared got 259. There’s something to chase. Was really impressed with PCF’s coordination of this event and hospitality.

Free recovery class and Front Squats 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Went to Brian PCF’s free recovery class and learned new stretches:

Shoulder rolling, shoulder capsules, PNF’ng, hip flexor stretches, lots of good stuff.

Front squats: 215 max, PR

This Saturday at 9:30AM I and many other PCFr’s will be participating in Fight Gone Bad IV at Potomac Crossfit, part of an international event to raise money for prostate cancer research and The Wounded Warrior Project. For any of you out there reading the blog who aren’t participating yourself, help PCF raise money by donating at our page, or support my efforts by donating at my page. Thanks, and come out Saturday at 0930 to watch the fun! Lookin forward to working out with Mel, Jared, and everyone else!

Garage workout at Jared’s

Abbreviated workout

Bench press 5×5: 205

Deadlift 5×5: 245

Worked out with Ryan and Jared. Ryan just got his Level 1 cert which is a big achievement and it was great to get even more coaching cues from him. Felt like I hadn’t done DL in forever and needed to refocus on it. Ryan noticed I was starting the pull by lifting my ass and doing a slight stripper deadlift. He had me get a little higher in my starting stance, remembering to stay on my heels. He also had me reset my back once I got there, really focusing on keeping a big chest. His cue was to keep going until my lower back was pinched even tighter than it is in my squat, which I’ve never done in a deadlift before, which made my back super tight. Now that I know how it feels I’ll know what to do.

1900 PCF WOD

5 Rounds of:
1 Minute Max Reps Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs
1 Minute Max Reps Ring Pushups
1 Minute Rest

119 as Rx’d. Got about 13 OHS first round, then was consistently at 7-9. The ring pushups were the hard part. Really concentrated on active shoulders and rotating my elbows back to lock that position overhead. Felt good.

Rest day due to working late. Will hit the OHS WOD at PCF tonight for some practice at the active shoulders. To get mentally prepared, will be listening to Mastodon.


1100 PCF WOD

1100 and 1800
AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:
1 Lap Farmers Carry, 55/35 lbs
400 meter Run

2 rounds Rx’d, finished 3 rounds in 21 minutes. Focused on keeping shoulders back during the farmers carry. Grip strength was failing way before shoulders were. Perhaps I should invest in one of these. Crazy pump on the prehab.

Big thanks and great work to Mike for encouraging me to do this Rx’d, and thanks to Curtis for telling me to finish out with the 55’s and not drop weight. Usually I like getting yelled at but his quieter approach was much appreciated and made all the difference during the hell that was these farmers carries.

1100 PCF WOD

Dumbells Gone Mad
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 min right arm db power snatch
1 min left arm db power snatch
1 min right arm db power clean and jerk
1 min left arm db power clean and jerk
1 min db sit-up
Rest 1 min between rounds.

Dumbbell Weight=30% BW for men; 25% BW for women.
Score=total reps from all 3 rounds

252 w/ 20lb DB for snatch/c&j and 35lb DB for situps. Went waaaaaaaaaay low on the weight because Brian said my shoulders are too far forward when I start, instead of pulled back with my chest out where there’s support for them. Pretty much every time we’ve done DB C&J I’ve pulled a muscle in my shoulder or neck so that’s makes sense. I went low with the weight to make sure I drilled the right way into my muscle memory.

PCF Oly Lifting class w/ Jon M

Participated in Jon’s intermediate Oly class last night. This morning, I weighed in to check the GOMAD progress and I was at 187#, up 4lbs from last week.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

First time I’ve done this and it was worthwhile. We went through the Burgener warmup, the snatch grip deadlift, and then worked hang power snatches with video. I really need to drill the snatch landing as I was donkey kicking insanely. It’s supposed to be a very fast, aggressive, and slight outward movement of the feet and I looked like a bull pawing the ground and kicking back (other than my feet, I did not resemble said bull). Jon also said to get full hip extension before the shrug, and then as you go up into the elbows high and outside and start the third pull, you want to be pulling the bar back against your body. Because of your upward and somewhat backward momentum, it won’t really hug your body but that’ll keep it close. His coach taught him to push through the heels and think about NOT leaving the ground at all, and he said that helps to cure the huge jump/kick.

On the snatch grip DL, the first pull, it’s important to push your knees back so the bar travelsin a straight line up.

I can never remember the Burgener warmup, so I googled it. This is from CFJ #53.

The sequence is as follows, always in this order:

1. Down and up 2. Elbows high and outside 3. Muscle snatch 4. Snatch land 5. Snatch drop 6. Hang power snatch

September 2009